Support for Lyme Disease
The incidence of Lyme Disease along with other tick-born infections, such as Babesia, Bartonella, and Ehrlichia, are by most accounts, at epidemic levels, both in the US and elsewhere in the world. This is complicated by the fact that mainstream infectious disease physicians fail to understand the chronic nature of the condition, leaving many patients with little help or hope.
Over the years, I have had considerable experience working the people who been diagnosed with Lyme and/or one of the associated infections. I have found that there are 4 key areas in which Lyme patients need help. These are: 1) support for the immune system in dealing with Lyme or other co-infections, 2) dealing with the impact and consequences of Lyme, including chronically up-regulated inflammatory pathways, neurological dysregulation, shift in pH balance, and impaired energy production at the cellular level, 3) symptoms arising from a state of toxicity, and 4) the emotional / spiritual aspects that inevitably emerge when dealing with any chronic, life-altering condition or experience. In practice, I find these are all important elements of recovery, but may not be equally weighted in all cases.
Advanced Lyme Testing: If your conventional Lyme tests were negative - a common problem - and you are seeking more advanced testing technology, we recommend the Igenex testing. If you are unable to get these tests done through your medical provider, you may order them directly through our link HERE or click on this image:

Scroll down on the left-hand menu until you see Lyme Disease Tests and then go to the Igenex page. During your consultation, we will advise you of additional specific tests that are critical in developing the effective support necessary to recover from Lyme.
Tick Testing ~ When You NEED To Know!

To test ticks you find on you, on your dog, or in your house, for Borrelia (Lyme)as well as Babesia, Ehrlichia, and Bartonella, we recommend the Tic-Kit. This handy kit comes with a safe and effective tick-removal tool. Simply collect the tick, dead or alive, place in the kit and send it off to the lab. In 4-7 days, you can get your results online. Easy, effective and inexpensive. To order, please go to: CNER Dispensary Use the Access Code CNER to set up an account. If you have a family, you may want to have more than 1 kit on hand.
Please understand that although I am a Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist, I am NOT a physician and am not authorized to prescribe antibiotics or other prescription drugs. If you wish to use antibiotics, you will need a prescription from your physician. If you require an "official diagnosis" of Lyme Disease and an ICD-9 diagnostic code for insurance purposes, this too, is something that only a physician licensed to make medical diagnoses can provide. Neither are within the role or scope of a Clinical Nutritionist. My approach is to employ the best of the natural therapies in an integrated, complimentary manner for a positive clinical outcome. I work with clients who are on an antibiotic regimen as well as those who wish to work without antibiotics. Supporting the immune system, reversing some of the damage sustained and lowering systemic toxin levels are important if not critical support measures regardless of which approach one uses to "kill the bugs".
If you have not read Katina Makris' book Out of the Woods I urge you to do so. This is Kim's personal story of her journey through Lyme Disease from illness to recovery and I was honored to play a role in her recovery. You may find her book at your favorite bookstore and at Barnes and Noble stores.
If you wish to schedule an Initial Consultation, you may Click here to schedule an appointment.