Envision a Healthier You

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Your search for a practitioner who can assist you toward better physical mental or emotional health is an important decision. Modern Clinical Nutrition can play a powerful role in helping to optimize health as well as remove some of the blocks to healing, health and vitality. We invite you to explore the information within this website and links to determine whether we can be of assistance.
Based on our more than 35 years of clinical experience, our practice model is decidedly "wholistic". That is, we function from the premise that mind, body and spirit are inseparably joined and that true health requires the care and feeding of all. Honoring each person for where they are and assisting them to heal that which needs healing, is at the core of our mission. Moreover, we believe that the healing model is best served by developing a healthy and personal interaction with our clients. We emphasize the importance of one-on-one communication and strive to empower clients with the understanding and tools to make a difference in their lives. In an era of fast-food and 'band-aid fixes", our model is strongly rooted in helping people become healthier, not just blocking the expression of symptoms. It's less about fixing a "thing", and more about healing the person. Nothing within you is separate from anything else. If you are seeking this kind of personal, individualized attention, perhaps we can be of service.
For greater flexibility and convenience and in order to better serve our geographically diverse client population, we have migrated to a "virtual office" and conduct our consultations via advanced VoIP telephone and video technology. You will find more information about this feature on the page "Making an Appointment".
Our International Charitable Work
We actively support a number of international cultural and humanitarian projects as part of our committment to making this world a better place. We invite you to support our vision and charitable efforts.
For more information about one of our projects and how you can make a difference in the lives of women and children in Guatemala, please visit: www.MidwivesGT.org and www.ParterasGT.org We have created a Midwife Cooperative to provide ongoing Continuing Education as well as essential supplies to midwives of Guatemala. Among the indigenous women - the Maya - 2 women die each day due to preventable complications. By providing additional training in clinical nutrition, pre-natal care, and empowering them with the knowledge of how to use safe, natural remedies, we are able to make a difference! You can view photos of our clinical weekend training events at www.ParterasGT.org. Dr Jeff is currently serving as president.
If you ever wondered how people end up on so many drugs, read Dr. Jeff's latest article entitled Join the Perpetual Patient Program published at NaturalNews.com.